Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Ghost of Mina Loy

From her thermometer earrings
& salt-teeth. An example
of feverish swans –the pulp
of goose-down pillows.

Her luminous fingers clasp
the dawn’s brocaded halo. A space
for the absentee husband. A space
for womanly coquetry. A space

inside a space inside an envelope
missing letters, missing vaporous
gestures.Dismissing the God between

sentences. She is somewhat
of a heretic ghost; her translucent skin,
observant opal. She writes in human mist,
the aromas of sweat pungency.

A crystallization of breath. With alien
thought, the mucosae of subliminal flesh.
Exists the calligraphy of ecstasy--
the tender nerves of shadow ink. A woman

for eerie gauze. For the shapeliness
of heart-mouths. A red. Emptied
of its blood & mercury.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Thierry Brunet Reviews EoS


Matina L. Stamatakis

The underlying nature of the visible world.

Speculative commotions and elegant disturbances.

In Matina L. Stamatakis’ new chapbook EoS, an internal combustion is at work. (Once again the dawn goddess seems to be ready to open the gates so that her brother Helios can ride the sky.)


// all poem //

Mischievously and delicately arranged all over

the page, the lively poems act like a gravitational pull, while they take up numerous challenges.

In Of Unattainable Knowledge:

// from beginning to his foe //

Carefully chosen words that throw back the inhospitable reality, and explore the structures we often accept too easily. Experimental/sensual writing as a blueprint of a new celestial body?

In Simulacrum:

// from beginning to origami //

Exciting journey to the origins. Abrasive melancholy. Matina L. Stamatakis’ poetry

seems to call upon a new birth, another « eXistenZ ». Mutations and Transcience included.


// all poem //

Something of J. K. Huysmans’ novel “Against the Grain” comes to mind from time to time. (Des Esseintes, the main character, is an aesthete, found of the Symbolist movement. He studies Moreau's paintings, tries his hand at inventing perfumes, and creates a garden of poisonous flowers.)

Matina L. Stamatakis’ own garden is full of cosmic rays. (Another kind of flowers, but

still intoxicating ones).

The collection ends with the moving


- for Neruda

// from beginning to hummingbird //

Neruda the fighting man. The poet in exile

finds a welcoming place here.

Roving on the plane of the ecliptic, the linguistic constructions of EoS, graceful in forms and movements, will haunt the reader’s mind

through associations or natural connections of ideas.

Like music suggesting a (not so) quiet night

and a fecund dawn.

Thierry Brunet

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Welcome to ChongDong

Matina Stamatakis' and Carmen Racovitza's The ChongDong Misfits offers up a hallucinatory trip through a nightmarish dystopia that could be now, or could be tomorrow. In five extended prose poems employing W.S. Burroughs' cut-up technique, these fearless authors introduce the reader to the potential of language to shock, amaze and scintillate. “hallucinatory prose-poetry that will have you scraping flecks of DNA from your radioactive vulva nipples quicker than you can imagine Kenji Siratori savagely rimming Benjamin Peret with an LSD-tipped dildo.” —Robert Chrysler author of Every Exit Impossible To Imagine With Wings “A last breathing through synapse tentacles, rich with signals but leaving no trails: puke greens, nicotine yellows, micromanipulation gametes. Motherhood images with no madness. A book like spitout sperm, distant yet material." —Florian Cramer author of Words made flesh - Code, Culture, Imagination